I LOVED CONFERENCE! So much to learn again and renew my Faith in my Heavenly Fathers plan of happiness for His children - and in my Savior, Jesus Christ! What a wonderful way to spend Saturday/Sunday, and get ready for the reason Easter Sunday next week is so special - JESUS was resurrected so we all can have immortality! We can also gain Eternal Life and return to live with our Father in Heaven because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
I also really enjoyed a talk given yesterday, Saturday, about how we need more members to be strong and keep their Temple Covenants. Again today, it was talked about, how important it is for those that have been to the Holy Temple, to return there often! Those who went and never went back, to get their lives in order so they can return there again. And, those that have a current Temple Recommend and don't go, to go more often! The importance of the covenants made in the Temple that Protect us was also mentioned! It really is time to be more committed and to "Do What is Right!" I loved what was said today that, we are never really lost if we can still see the Temple! So true!
And, the humbling part of addicitons being more than alcohol/drug. That even DEBT can be an addiction to "Things!" So true! I want to do more and be better! There is much I can improve on, and I know that with my Heavenly Fathers help, I can!
I am so grateful to have made covenants in the Holy Temple. I'm so thankful for a wonderful mother, who raised 5 girls on her own with very little help! She taught us the truth and continues to love me, even when I may make wrong choices. She keeps reminding my sisters and me of the Truth and what we should be doing. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior, that Heavenly Father knows me by name, that the scriptures (The Bible & The Book of Mormon) are true and go hand in hand proclaiming the truth of Jesus Christ! We have the Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the Earth! There is a Prophet of God, Pres. Thomas S. Monson, is the Prophet on the earth today! We have 12 Apostles! We can know the truth for ourselves by kneeling and asking our Heavenly Father if it is true. What a blessing it is for each individual to learn this for themselves!
Again, I just say "Amen". Totally agree with everything.